Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Trailer Tuesday: September 17th

I had yet to watch any trailer for Keanu Reeves' new movie 47 Ronin. Having taken a course on Japanese history and studied the legend of the real Forty-seven Ronin through fictionalized accounts called Chūshingura, I was excited for a modern adaptation of these mythic tales.

Here's a very brief history lesson: Samurai was a class of Japanese military nobility that existed from the medieval age through early modern Japanese history. By the 12th century, Samurai was associated with the middle and upper tiers of the warrior class. A Ronin is a Samurai without a master and in the case of the Forty-seven Ronin, they went on a mission to avenge the death of theirs. The story is compelling and I really enjoyed studying about it during my classed called Age of the Samurai. But this movie doesn't even come close. I'm not even including the clip here on Trailer Tuesday, but you're welcome to watch it on your own and comment with your thoughts. I wish I'd recorded a reaction video or at least taken a picture of my face because I was embarrassed for Japan.

Now, on to some decent trailers.

Vikingdom: The Blood Eclipse - October 4, 2013
I do not know anything about this movie and yet I think it's going to be better than 47 Ronin. At least the source material comes with a bit more of a supernatural twist anyway. The synopsis informs us that the hero, Erick, must defeat Thor, God of Thunder. Apparently Eirick has been tasked with recovering Odin's Horn in order to stop Thor from unleashing his armies and taking over the world. Marvel's Thor this ain't, my friends. I believe there's going to be a fair amount of action in this and I hope that they treat the mythology kindly.

Atlantis - November 23 (BBC America)
Alright, alright, I'm going with a similar thought here as I did with Vikingdom. I love the idea of this BBC series, we'll just have to see about the execution. (I already know that 47 Ronin is going to be terrible.) Honestly, this reminds me a lot of NBC's The Odyssey miniseries from the 1990s. I loved it and I want to like this, I really do. Also, Mark Addy as Hercules! Come on! With Jason (maybe of Argonauts fame) and Pythagoras. What's not to love here? And apparently it's premiering on BBC America the same night as "The Day of the Doctor" the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode. Should be an epic night of British tele.

Homefront - November 27, 2013
Jason Statham is an ex-DEA agent who settles in a small town with his daughter to give their lives a sense of normalcy following the death of his wife. There's a mighty big problem when this small town is the wrong one and Statham's character soon finds himself in a mess. Trouble thy name is James Franco. Franco's character, a Meth-drug lord, pretty much rules and it is up to Statham to take him down or at least protect his daughter. The movie also stars Winona Rider, Kate Bosworth, and Rachelle Lefevre.

The Railway Man - January 3, 2014 (UK)
In The Railway Man, Colin Firth portrays Eric Lomax, a British Army officer and Prisoner of War. During World War II, Lomax was tortured in a Japanese labor camp and forced to help build the Burma Railroad in Thailand. Though released from captivity, Lomax, whose older self is portrayed by Firth, is haunted by his experiences and decades later comes to know the whereabouts of one of his captors. Nicole Kidman, Stellan Skaarsgard, and Jeremy Irvine round out the cast. This should prove to be an incredibly emotional film with difficult subject matter. I have no doubt that Colin Firth will tackle it with the class he is known for.

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