So, I'm kind of obsessed with cookbooks. I love to collect them and if I had a bigger budget I would own a lot more. I like taking recipes and figuring out how to make them more healthy. Specifically, I like cookbooks with a theme. I have a vampire themed cookbook called Love at First Bite: The Complete Vampire Lover's Cookbook and the wonderful folks from Inn at the Crossroads sent me A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook, which I will be reviewing soon. I want to pick up Alan Kistler's Unofficial Game of Thrones Cookbook as well, among countless others.
Today, I stumbled upon a cookbook that is FREE on Kindle! Dining With the Doctor: The Unauthorized Whovian Cookbook features recipes that relate to every episode of the first six seasons of the new Doctor Who series. Yes, every. single. episode and even the specials. That's definitely some dedication. The cookbook's author, Chris-Rachael Osland, is dedicated to her craft, as she not only provides recipes for each episode, but includes interesting prose within the cookbook.
Hello, Doctor. It’s been awhile. You’re looking very modern in your black t-shirt and leather jacket - and if you don’t mind me saying so, kind of sexy with those high cheekbones and that sparkle in your eye. You’re trouble. I like it.Because each recipe is centered around a specific episode, there will be spoilers included. The author notes that she doesn't think that anyone who would be reading the cookbook wouldn't already have watched all of the episodes. The cookbook stops with the Christmas episode from Season 6. I hope that she may do a follow up for Season 7 and beyond. I'm thinking sno-cones for The Snowmen or something related to a governess in a pond.
Oseland, Chris-Rachael (2012-12-01). Dining With The Doctor: The Unauthorized Whovian Cookbook (p. 9). Kindle Edition.
To be honest, some of the recipes really do not sound appealing at all. River Song (S4E10 - Forest of the Dead) incorporates a hard-boiled egg on a bed of angel hair pasta. Sure, it looks like River, but who wants to eat eggs and pasta? It looks like a lot of the recipes are all about the presentation. Sontaran Soldiers (S4E5 - The Sontaran Stratagem) instructs you affix small blueberries and almonds to a peeled potato. This is obviously for aesthetics rather than taste, but there's something offputting to me about blueberries and potatoes. I do however, like the idea of Weeping Angel Wings (S3E11 - Blink), which are essentially chicken wings.
It looks like this is a neat cookbook for any Doctor Who themed get-together. I hope to whip up some of these treats when Doctor Who returns in April!
Dining With the Doctor is free today for Amazon Kindle, but is also available in print.
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